Adventure Information
TROOP 171 High Adventure Trip Requirements for Scout and Adults
NOTE ABOUT TRIP REQUIREMENTS: The trip requirements are a very important part of Troop 171 Adventures. In a sense, the high adventure trips are the equivalent of varsity sports. In order to play in the “big game”, you have to prepare by attending practice and playing in the regular games. More importantly, the practice of monthly campouts and other adventures helps to insure that a Scout is prepared for a trip such as this. We will be 2400 miles from home in some of the most incredible wilderness imaginable. This is no place to be learning backpacking and camping skills. We need Scouts to be competent, know each other and have the correct gear. All of this comes from the practice of regular trips and other adventures.
HIGH ADVENTURE TRIP REQUIREMENTS - Scouts: Any Scout in troop 171 who is age 14 or above by the start of the adventure is eligible. Additional requirements to attend the trip include:
AGE: The age for BSA High Adventure activities is usually 14 at the start of the trip. The Troop 171 Stair Step to Adventure provides appropriate activities for all ages of Scouts (Mini, Micro and High). The appropriate ages for this trip are 14 to 17.
ACTIVE SCOUT: Be active in Troop 171 including Monday meetings and campouts. A casual visit now and then does not meet this requirement.
CAMPING: Have an active Scout camping record during the past 12 months shown by meeting one of the following campout minimums:
Option A: Attend a minimum of SIX nights of monthly camping with the troop during the 12 months preceding the trip, not including summer camp or other adventures.
Option B: Attend a minimum of FOUR nights of monthly camping with the troop AND SIX nights of summer camp, mini adventure or high adventure in the 12 months preceding the trip (10 nights total). It is important to check the pre-trip requirements for the other mini and high adventures if you will be using them for the long-term adventures such as the Alaska or Cozumel High Adventure.
Campout Notes: Several trips such as Chimney Park, Klondike Derby, and others count as two nights.
BACKPACKING EXPERIENCE: attended at least one backpacking trip of at least 2 nights and 10 miles in length.
RANK ADVANCEMENT: Star, Life or Eagle Rank or above and advanced at least one rank during the 12 months prior to the trip(special consideration for Life Scouts - specific advancement agreement completed with trip sign up – mb’s and project).
• Camping Merit Badge
• Cooking Merit Badge
• First Aid Merit Badge
• Swimming Merit Badge
• Canoeing Merit Badge - If water travel is involved
MEETINGS: Attend troop and crew meetings on a regular basis. Please note that this requirement is more than a casual visit now and then. Active participation in troop meetings is a trip requirement.
OTHER ATTENDANCE: Attend planning, food buying, packing and shakedown meetings.
MEDICAL: BSA Medical Form with a physical exam completed.
TETANUS: For the safety of the Scout and the rest of the crew, Tetanus inoculations are required of all adults and Scouts for extended backcountry trips.
ADULTS - HIGH ADVENTURE TRIP REQUIREMENTS : Scouting High Adventure trips are meant to present challenges for Scouts ages 14 to 17. There are certain risks inherent in these activities. It is important that the adults leading and participating in these trips have sufficient background, training and physical abilities to insure success for themselves and the Scouts in the crew.
It is important that the adults in the crews are not the limiting factor for the crew. This is a very challenging adventure.
All adults must be registered in Scouts BSA
Have a current BSA Youth Protection Training [YPT] certificate
Participated in at least one previous Troop 171 adventure (high or mini)
Backpacking experience: attended at least one backpacking trip of at least 2 nights and 10 miles in length
Attend a minimum of two monthly campouts within the 24 months preceding the trip
Have a current Red Cross First Aid and CPR certificate (or other certifying agency).
Completed Troop 171 Adult training sessions (provided last spring and will be again next spring)
Have previous backpacking experience and physical conditioning sufficient to meet the challenges of backpacking up to 15 miles per day in difficult mountain terrain that includes steep grades and river crossings
• Have previous canoeing experience to provide leadership and safety for aquatic activities (canoeing, sea kayaking, swimming, etc.) - available from pre-
trip training.
• Complete BSA Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat training (available from troop 171 or on-line).
• Attend planning, food buying, packing and shakedown meetings.
• BSA Medical Form with a physical exam completed within the 12 months prior to the trip.
• TETANUS: For the safety of the Scout and the rest of the crew, Tetanus inoculations are required of all adults and Scouts for extended backcountry trips.
• NOTE: there may be modifications to these requirements depending on the trip elements chosen by the Scouts.
CREW SIZE: At this time, we are planning on 2 crews of 7 Scouts and 3 adults each. This number can be changed if there is sincere interest and the adult support to have more crews.
PARENTS and OTHER ADULTS: In keeping with high adventure policies, crews must be made up of a majority of Scouts. National B.S.A. recommendations are for crews of 7 Scouts and 3 adults. There must be a minimum of two adults per crew, one of which is over 21 years of age. In the event that we have more than this number, support positions would be available. These positions will meet crews at trailheads, move vans, resupply food to crews, etc. This is a fine line. We need to have enough adults to run the crews, but we need to keep in mind that these trips are for Scouts. Further details will be included in the attached sheet regarding adult training.